Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

tribal butterfly tattoo designs

Tribal Butterfly Tattoo Designs for Women

When choosing the tribal tattoo you want, you may decide that the bold line designs are simply not for you. It is too commonplace; every young woman is doing it. They are all wearing those tribal tattoos with lines that are taken from symbols of the Maori, Aztec and Eskimo cultures. There are many other types of designs that these cultures incorporated into their works of art. Many of these represented animals and of those showed the beauty and development of certain creatures. This is where the idea came from for tribal butterfly tattoo designs. These images of beauty have been used by tattoo artists to encourage self expression while making each butterfly a symbol of love, growth and change.tribal butterfly tattoo designsButterflies are incredible creatures; and because of this, tribal butterfly tattoo designs have become very popular. The tattoo illustrators have designed many original tattoos based on the initial ideas of what these butterflies should look like. Then they have added brighter colors and more highly defined lines to give them a look that says individuality. Women who decided to get this kind of tattoo felt that it adds not only to their attractiveness, but to their personality, making them more interesting, more focused and unique. No one wants to be ordinary anymore and getting a good tattoo makes it so much easier to be yourself, live through the drawings on your body and show others a glimpse of who you are without having to say a single word. Many women believe that the butterfly's story is their own. It is a story of transformation, the ability to change, to make yourself that more confident, more efficient and more attractive. Just like the butterfly that changes from the ordinary caterpillar to the beautiful butterfly with its colorful wings.tribal butterfly tattoo designs
One of the things about the tribal butterfly tattoo designs is that they represent symmetry and shape. They are not merely lines drawn. They are delicate and elegant, showing those who wear them, and those who are admiring them, that they are making a significant statement. This is why the choice of where to put this tattoo is equally as important. Many women choose to put it in their lower backs. That is considered a sexy place to have a tattoo. Others prefer on the thigh, back of the neck or even the upper arm. The important thing is to put it where you are sure you can enjoy it for years to come.

Articles By Timothy Croy

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Aztec tribal tattoos

Tribal Tattoo Picture - How a Tribal Tattoo Picture Can Represent You

Aztec tribal tattoosWearing a tattoo is basically one of the best methods that a person can express himself. This form of art not only represents the person getting inked, but also the interpretation of the values of the artist. A Tribal Tattoo Picture commonly found in designs is best used to signify the origins of a person, or simply the beliefs that he stands for. If you are fond of this kind of designs, then here are a few tips that you can follow to get one that fits you perfectly:

Aztec tribal tattoosIf you are fully aware of your family's origins and traditions, then it is the best reason to get a Tribal Tattoo Picture to use on your own. Some people say that in their cultures, the symbolism found in tattoos mean more than the whole being of the person wearing it, but also the lineage that he has. People who appreciate this form of art understand how each person's preference differs from another, and the unique insignia worn on the skin has many stories to tell. It is quite interesting to know that tattoos can take many forms, and the expression of art itself becomes a rich mixture of cultural beliefs.

Aztec tribal tattoosIn choosing a design for a tattoo, people are always concerned about what the tattoos would signify if other people see it on them. This sort of identification process is known to many, just like the way the nautical star is attributed to people in the navy. Although some signs are used by others who are not really from that kind of lineage (for example a non-Japanese guy wears a tattoo in Kanji characters), the appreciation for that particular culture or tradition is basically the matter that is of most concern.

Hence, a Tribal Tattoo Picture does not always mean allegiance to a specific tribe, nor does it mean that a person is of a particular ancestry. And so, if you want to use tribal designs to use in tattoos, just make sure that you know what each detail in the design signifies and what these designs mean to you. Upholding a belief by means of getting inked should also be attributed to a person's discipline and responsibilities toward the society.

In this aspect, you should try to do a little research prior to getting inked. You are very well aware that these tattoos could be permanent, so you must make sure that the symbols you use are definitely the ones you would like to portray. Tattoo enthusiasts would agree that you are free to choose whatever design you like, but make sure that you can stand for what these tattoos mean.

There are basically no rules about getting a tattoo, but the act of wearing this art form might mean that there are things that you might want to consider first. Your priorities in life and the way you value the important aspects of culture and the society might be reflected in every tattoo you get.
( Articles By Russell Reugh )

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

Tribal tattoo design

Mark Your Individuality With Tribal Tattoo Designs

Tribal tattoo designIf you are thinking of getting a tattoo design, there are many reasons why you should opt for the tribal tattoo designs amongst others. Historically speaking, tattooing constitutes one of the many ways by which humans have marked each other off as special or prestige. In many cultures, for instance, the tattoo is used to designate social positions of the person who has the tattoo on his body. In some Asian countries, tribal tattoo designs are often applied on the arms, legs, bodies, and even the faces of the elders in order to signify the prestige and wisdom laden status of the person in question.

Tribal tattoo designs are used traditionally in three ways. The first is to mark the warriors of their special position in relation to society. Because the art of tattooing requires certain courage to undergo the process of having the designs imprinted on the body, it is often seen as an act that is befitting of the warriors. When war comes, the designs are also used to invoke fear and awe among the enemy and to help the tribes gain their victory.

The tribal tattoo designs are also used to signify social positions in many cultures. For instance, in some small islands in the pacific, the tattoos are given to the healers and the elders of a given tradition.

In the Philippines, for example, the traditional social leaders of the communities in the archipelago were called the "babaylan" who are people held in high esteem in the community and who functioned in multiple roles such as the judge, healer, leader, and even spiritual adviser of the community. They are often given special tattoos to mark them as above the ordinary member of their community.

Finally, the tribal tattoo is also given to the youth after their rites of passage. Across many cultures and up to today, the passage from childhood to adulthood is a cause of celebration for many cultures. In some, this marked of by rites such as circumcision. Some others perform ritual cutting of childhood hair, or provide hunting trips for young men as venue to show their ability to support their family.

In general, however, the tribal tattoo is used to physical distinguish the children from the adults who already are able to perform important functions in society. Because of this, the tribal tattoo designs are one of the first badges of honor for the average citizen in most cultures.

Tribal tattoo designToday, many people are looking into tribal tattoos in order to designate their own individuality. If you have ever looked at these designs, one of the first things that you will notice is that they are very expressive. One of the distinguishing elements of these human skin artworks is their use of lines and curves that are linked to one another by a common, over-arching theme.

The strokes as well as the sizes of these lines in tribal tattoo designs and the way they taper off all contribute to the creation of an over-all imagery that can convey anything from serenity to a fighting spirit. Because of this tribal tattoo designs are one of the best choices when looking into body art.
( Articles By Dylan Douglass )

Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Tribal tattoo arm

Tribal Arm Tattoos in the Modern World

Tribal tattoo armThe very name tribal arm tattoos tells you something about these designs. They are very ancient. Many people of Celtic origin are unaware that this kind of arm tattoos played a very important role in the traditions of the ancient Celtic tribes. In fact, this was true of many other very old societies such as Japanese, Maori and African. The tribal arm tattoos and other body tattoos all had a specific meaning. Some of the meanings were spiritual and some showed which clan you belonged to.

In today's modern world tattoos are worn by both men and women. Tribal art has survived up to this day because the designs are so attractive. For example, Celtic tribal tattoos are popular. These designs are usually very complex. For this reason it's important that you only go to a tattooist who is highly experienced. Celtic tribal tattoos are famous for their interlinking swirls. The whole objective of this design is that it appears to be never ending. The arm tattoos are meant to symbolize love or a relationship that has no ending.

Tribal tattoo armEven if you are not in love with a specific person you can wear Celtic tribal arm tattoos just because you admire the design. If you don't want Celtic then why not take a look at Maori tribal tattoos? The Maori are well known for a culture that has kept its tattooing skills. Tattoo is so accepted and such an important part of their tribal culture that men and women are even tattooed on their faces. These are repeating sweeping swirls and are also perfect for tattoos on the arm. There are many people who are finding it a lot easier to connect to their ancestral roots by means of wearing tattoos.

However, there is such an intermingling of world cultures that it's quite acceptable to wear tattoo designs just because you like them. You don't have to actually be a member of a specific culture or tribe. If you relate to the symbolism of the tribal tattoos then you can wear it on your arm. Many people appreciate tribal arm tattoos because they wrap around the upper arm in a natural way. The wrapping goes well with tribal designs because there are intricate loops and swirls. There are many different kinds of arm tattoos with a tribal origin to choose from. It is a good idea to take note of the designs you see other people wearing. Scrutinize the size, color and complexity.

Tribal tattoo armTribal arm tattoos are usually very complex. This makes the upper arm an ideal place for this particular kind of tattoo. The general rule is a complex design should be placed on an area of the body where there is mostly muscle. This makes the upper arm a perfect location for tattoo designs. Tribal arm tattoos provide a vast variety of designs. Even if the designs are modern day they are based on the traditions of tribal art. There can be no doubt that tribal arm tattoos are in great demand. There is hardly a tattoo enthusiast who does not have one.
( Articles By Dylan Douglass )

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Tribal back tattoo

Finding The Right Tribal Back Tattoo - Lower to Upper Back Art
Articles By Adam Woodham

Tribal back tattooTrying to select the right art for a tribal back tattoo can be a daunting task. It can even be a pain in the, well, back. Whether you are a girl looking for a tribal back tattoo for your lower half, or you are a guy looking for an upper back tribal tattoo that will stand out around your shoulders, you have no doubt scoured the web looking for the perfect designs.

The tribal back tattoo has become mainstream, so a lot of the generic artwork that you happen to see has been all over the internet, and God know how many other people's body. Also, most of the artwork you have seen won't look good on your body, because they are drawn as an art piece, not as a tattoo piece. Tribal back tattoo designs can look amazing, but in this day and age, you will definitely need an experienced artist for this.

Tribal back tattooFirst and foremost, there are just so many different tribal back tattoo designs around that you should never have to settle for the random drawings that you see on the internet or parlor wall. While the internet is a great place to find the perfect tribal back tattoo, but as I have said, they are pretty generic and even the good ones are not really drawn for implementation as a tattoo. There are quite a few websites that have tons of original artwork for you to browse, though. You probably just haven't found them yet. You should always use the talents of your favorite local artist to render any design you choose. This way you know it will be 100% original.

Tribal back tattooQuite a big majority of the tribal back tattoo art is under copy write from various artists around the web. Because of this, their art is not released all over the internet. The designers do this on purpose. Why would an artist want their hard work spread all over the internet and beyond

Tribal back tattooIf you want a truly amazing, original tribal back tattoo, please, do not settle for the first thing you see. Hopefully, very soon, you will find the art for a tribal back tattoo that you have always dreamed of for your lower or upper back.

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Tribal arm tattoos

Tribal Arm Tattoo - Uncovering the Greatest Artwork Possible

Tribal arm tattoosPicking a tribal arm tattoo has been getting more and more difficult. It's not that you don't have huge selections to go through on the web. It's just that most of these sites are throwing the same generic artwork on their pages, which is making it extremely difficult to locate the places that have the better, more original stuff. This is where two quick tips help you instantly find those tribal arm tattoo designs.

Tribal arm tattoosGone are the days of waking up and heading over to a couple local parlors to look for tattoos. They all have the same outdated books and walls of generic artwork. Every one of those tats have been used by no less than 50 people. This is also happening to many artwork sites on the web, too. They stuff their servers with the same cookie cutter tribal arm tattoos. The good news is that it's pretty darn easy to bypass most of those worthless places. Just stay away from search engines, because they never show you where the good places are. Their lists are saturated with generic laced galleries, while the better places are totally left out.

Tribal arm tattoosThat tip alone can save you a lot of unneeded stress. This last tip will solve the problem of not finding the high quality artwork: Start using big forums when surfing the net for amazing tattoos. If you want to see fully original tribal arm tattoo designs, big forums will help you get right to the galleries that have tons of artwork by real artists. All you have to do is slide into the archives of a large forum, because that's where bundles of topics about tattoos have been started. Browsing the posts will provide you with links and names of the sensational artwork websites that others have luckily found. It's such a relief to see real tattoos.

Make sure you have patience when selecting a tribal arm tattoo, because you want to be 100% sure about your choice.
( Articles By Adam Woodham )

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Tribal design

The Most Known Tribal Tattoos For Men
Articles By Gary Golder

Tribal designIf you are a guy and you are looking for your next tattoo, tribal tattoos for men are a great place to start looking. Tattoo artists will tell you that girls simply have more choices than men so taking your time to go through your options is very important. Some places men commonly get tattoos are the neck, upper arm, forearm, calves, back, shoulder blades, Pecs, and the nape of their neck. All of these locations are great to put tribal tattoos for men.

What style of tribal you get will also require some thinking. Most people are unaware of the numerous types and styles of tribal tattoos for men. Some of these styles include; Samoan, Hawaiian, Maori, Haida, Japanese, Polynesian and Egyptian. This is why it is important to browse through photos and catalogs of different types of tribal tattoos to be sure you find the one you want. Some of these tribal tattoos for men also have meanings behind them which could also affect your decision. Although, it is unlikely they many people in the world will know the meaning of your tribal simply by looking at it. At any rate, pick out a tribal design that you are confident with because it is with you forever.

Tribal designThe most known tribal tattoos for men would have to be either the arm, shoulder blades, and back tattoos. They can be arranged and placed in numerous options but for the most part these are the best places to put them. Tribal arm tattoos are great and can vary from a single arm band, to a complete arm wrap. Just remember when getting parts of your body tattooed, make sure they are easily covered if you have a professional career or job to maintain. This is why the back and shoulder blade tattoos are probably some of the most popular. These locations are easily hidden with clothes for work purposes, but can be showcased by wearing a wife beater or sleeveless shirt.

Tribal designNo matter which tribal design you decide on, make sure it fits you. Getting a tattoo that showcases your personality or hobbies can make the tattoo pop out even more than you had hoped. If you are unsure which design to get even after browsing through designs, try asking your tattoo artist. After all, they are called artist for a reason.